Breeds of carrier pigeons, how they determine and how they know where to fly. Sky postmen - carrier pigeons

He who owns doves owns the world. Not so long ago, the famous aphorism could be rephrased in this way. Now carrier pigeons cannot compete with digital technologies, but pigeon breeding has transformed.

At all times, carrier pigeons were active participants in hostilities. The first mention of them occurs even before the beginning of our era - in 45 g. Then they delivered correspondence from the besieged city of Modena.

The state-wide pigeon mail reached already in the XII century., In Egypt. Among the first postmen were Careers, Bagdetes and Scanderuns.

A large contribution to the improvement of postal characteristics was made by the Belgians, French and British. Antwerp and Lutih pigeons are at the source of almost all modern sports breeds.

The first European competitions were held at the beginning of the XIX century. In Russia, pigeon sport took shape at the end of the 19th century, survived the years of decline and revived with renewed vigor in the 30s of the 20th century.

Feathered postmen were of great importance during the Great Patriotic War. Then for them the time of oblivion came. Only in the 70s of the XX century. the population of carrier pigeons began to grow. Enthusiasts appeared. Successful breeding began on the basis of old breeds and imported from abroad.

Sporting achievements of domestic pigeons of domestic selection, prizes in international competitions, allow us to talk about the serious successes of our enthusiasts. They bypassed their foreign colleagues in many ways.

  Abilities of Doves Pigeons

Postal pigeons are capable of covering up to 80 km / h. The initial speed is up to 100 km / h. They have superbly developed orientation on the ground. The best of them are able to find a house from a distance of 1000 km. Regular training allows you to achieve great stamina, which affects the time in flight. Often it reaches 12 hours.

The standard flight altitude is up to 400 m. At night, postmen do not fly. It’s hard to find them at this time: they stop in deserted places at high altitude with good visibility.

The feeling of home works not only for stationary pigeons, but also for mobile ones. This serves as the basis for their selection. Pigeons do not find the addressee - they fly home.

  Main breeds

Among the breeds of carrier pigeons there are no significant, striking differences. For further breeding, individuals who exhibit the most desirable flying qualities are left.

Carrier pigeons can be described as strong, harmoniously built birds with a developed chest and a strong skeleton. Powerful shoulder girdle, good muscles. Flat back and adjacent tight plumage, providing aerodynamic properties to the body. Long wings, narrow tail, bare legs. Can be any color, variegated. In addition, they have excellent eyesight, stamina, high summer speed and, most importantly, the instinct of the house.


The English carrier pigeon is characterized by a straightforward, swift summer. How carrier pigeons have been used for several centuries. In the world they are known as English careers.

Reach 46 cm. The body is powerful. Posture is proud. Waxy wax, under the beak there are also growths. Eyelids are wrinkled, broad, grayish. The color of the plumage is different, the legs are not feathery.


The Belgian carrier pigeon is no less famous than the English quarries. In contrast, it has a rounded body shape. A characteristic feature is dark eyes, framed by whitish eyelids. Otherwise, the physique is typical of postal breeds.


German pigeons are the direct heirs of English quarries and Dutch pigeons. These are compact birds, with a long neck and legs, a small beak, large eyes and a short tail. Differ in high speed of summer.

  Russian postal

Russian carrier pigeons are currently considered the reference among sports breeds. They consistently take prizes. They are distinguished by long legs, a sharp beak and an elegant head. The tips of the feathers are rounded up. The color is varied.


Not all breeds of clerks perform well over long distances. Czechs are used at short distances. This carrier pigeon, among other things, is a frequent exhibitor.

These are graceful harmonious birds with a long neck and small tail. A characteristic feature is large eyes and a growth on the beak.


Home pigeons are of great interest to enthusiasts. A variety of competitions are regularly held with stringent evaluation criteria. At present, postal breeds are considered to be athletic, and success in sport depends on training. Of course, one cannot do without good heredity in a breed, but those pigeons who can cover the maximum distance in the shortest time and know where to fly become champions. Serious distances: from 300 to 1000 km.

Only conditioned thoroughbred carrier pigeons are allowed to train. There are two schools of study:

  1. In the first case, birds begin to be actively chased from 2 months, usually in a temperate climatic zone. Training in the first year is designed to form a skill of orientation on the ground. Young pigeons must fly a total of not more than 75 km.
  2. In the second - from about 6 months. As a rule, in the southern regions. Then the pigeons are faced with the task of flying up to 300 km. Training is being forced. Such distances cover literally after 7-8 flights.

To begin with, young animals must get used to the owner, learn to independently go out into the aviary and return to the dovecote. Within a few days after this, carrier pigeons are recommended to be let out on the roof.

Then the training program moves from local orientation to physical endurance. For several days, carrier pigeons are driven in a circle, gradually bringing the flight time to 1.5 hours. This should be done before morning feeding.

Then carrier pigeons are taught to keep direction. To begin with, they are released 2-3 km from the house. It is possible from different directions. Gradually increase the distance. In this case, any one direction is already chosen. A two-month-old pigeon calmly overcomes 5 km, while he should easily determine where to fly. Subsequently, the distance is increased to 100 km.

Two-year-old pigeons are lifted into the air from short distances from the house. Start with 10 km. Then gradually increase to 300 km.

3 and 4 year old pigeons carry out their first flight after winter at 20 and 25 km, respectively. Then the distance is adjusted to 500 km. Only those who demonstrate stable results and a good time are allowed to compete.

  Feeding and maintenance

The feeding regimen for carrier pigeons differs, depending on the time of year. Three-time summer: until 5.00; at 13.00; at 18.00–20.00. The winter regime involves the distribution of feed twice a day: until 9.00 and 17.00.

It is recommended not to overfeed pigeons during training and competitions; this acts as an incentive for summer. Saturation can be determined by goiter (it should be full, but soft). In addition, when saturated, the dove immediately goes to the water. After this, the feeders are removed.

When feeding carrier pigeons, you can use ready-made compound feeds, but more often pigeon farmers independently compose a diet for their pets. It is important that it is balanced and complete.

The basis for nutrition are cereals. These are oats, wheat, corn, barley, millet, buckwheat, rice. Beans are introduced into the diet without fail. For a change exotic flax, rape, hemp. Do not do without sunflower seeds. Flying out of the dovecote, they find and eat weed seeds.

In addition to concentrated feed, carrier pigeons need sources of vitamins: fresh herbs and grass. It is recommended to add premixes to the grain mix. Pour salt and pebbles into separate feeders and put clean water. They are regularly washed and disinfected.

The carrier pigeon is not picky about feeding and unpretentious in keeping. It is important that the dovecote is dry and clean. Do not allow the room to overheat in the summer, as well as drafts and cold in the winter. Mandatory presence of windows, including flying, aviary, springboards, nests, perches for pigeons indoors. Food must be given in the feeders. Spreading it on the floor is dangerous because of the increased risk of infection.

Depending on the breed, the landing density is calculated as follows:

  • for a pair of pigeons of large breeds, at least 1 m 3 will be required;
  • for a pair of small and medium breeds - 0.5 m 3.

The dovecote is divided into several branches, each of which contains no more than 15 pairs of the same breed. In winter, pigeons are divided by breed, gender, as well as by age and distributed in different sections.

Success in military or commercial operations no longer depends on these pigeons. The romance of paper letters is gone. But enthusiasts adapted to the requirements of the time. Now the birds have a different mission, the breeds have become sports, demonstrating the best qualities in competitions.

As carrier pigeons know where to fly, you will learn from this article.

How do pigeons find the recipient?

Over the years, people have dexterously used pigeons to convey letters. They were especially useful during the period of wars; birds acted as a means of transmitting information over long distances. And today even entertainments are arranged - international competitions among birds.

How do pigeons know where to fly?

As such, the breed of carrier pigeons does not exist. They are taught special skills through rigorous training and appropriate care. At first, birds are taught to simply find their way to their nest. It was believed that they could not cope with a distance beyond 1,100 km. But there is evidence of pigeons that conquered long distances.

First of all, it is important to be able to choose the right place for the release of birds - elevated and open. Indeed, in the valleys, they are better oriented than in the mountains and large forests.

American scientists have found how carrier pigeons navigate the terrain and know where to fly. A key factor is the use of infrasound by birds. They are able to perceive sound waves, an order of magnitude lower than a person is able to hear. Each locality and object on the planet has its own unique infrasound map. And the pigeons perfectly know how to "read" it for orientation in space. It is enough to teach him exactly where to fly. To do this, first birds are released from one point to another. And this is repeated until the birds have studied the infrasound map of the desired route, ideally. Next is the study of new ways.

Postal pigeons are birds that were used to transmit messages, mail. The ability to perform this type of activity was raised in birds for a long time. An important component is the proper care of them.

Pigeons can return to the area, which is considered a home from any corner of the earth, they are perfectly oriented in the area and can find the road. There is no exact data on how exactly this happens to birds, but theories have been put forward that they focus on the position of the sun or feel the Earth’s magnetic field.

No matter how much the bird is naturally gifted with the ability to find the right places, it still needs to be taught and trained. These procedures begin at a very early age of the carrier pigeon.

Since in the modern world mail is no longer delivered by birds, the term has slightly changed in its appearance, such birds are now called sports pigeons. In order for the bird to have those qualities that will allow it to navigate well in space, poultry breeders have to work hard to find suitable relatives and breed the right kind of pigeon. And the next step will be his training. You can see how the training of carrier pigeons takes place on various video recordings that are widely distributed on the Internet.

Postal pigeons have been used by people since ancient times, in Egypt, in the East, these postmen were used very often. During the Middle Ages, pigeons also faithfully served their masters and carried messages on their legs or on their necks.

It is believed that modern pigeons come from Belgium, it is not in vain that there is such a breed of birds.

Feeding and caring for pigeons

You need to feed the carrier pigeons well, because they sometimes have to travel long distances, not to mention frequent training. A week, one pigeon on average consumes about four hundred grams of feed, but if the nutrition is enhanced, then the norm doubles, up to eight hundred grams. It is customary to observe the diet of the birds so that they would eat three times a day, and the meal time was the same. It is recommended to give the first feeding, after the sun has risen, the second time to feed the pigeons at one in the afternoon, and the third feed is carried out before the sun sets, before dusk. The nutritional value of the food should be sufficient both in summer and in winter.

The food that is best suited for carrier pigeons is: peas, yellow, lentils, vetch, in addition, it is important to add calcium and sand, lime, salt. In order for the food to be varied, the diet includes: boiled potatoes, bran, flax, its seeds, and rapeseed. It is very important that the pigeons have clean water. Regardless of how much water is drunk, it needs to be changed every day.

Pigeons are most often kept in special rooms, pigeons, which should be dry and bright. These houses make sure that they are not blown away by the winds and the birds feel comfortable in them. If it is not possible to build a special room for pigeons, but there is an attic in the house, you can use it for these purposes, the main thing is simply to make there all the necessary conditions for the pigeon, it is light and heat and dryness. It is important for the birds that they have free access to departure from home, and a place where they can land.

Pigeon Breeds

Carrier pigeons are considered the oldest of all breeds of pigeons. These birds are large in size compared with ordinary pigeons, in addition, the beak of the postmen is larger. A distinctive feature is that, carrier pigeons have circles around the eyes and wax. These breeds were specially bred to meet the maximum requirements: flight speed, endurance and learning ability.

Breeds in birds called carrier pigeons are not clearly delineated, but the most basic can be distinguished, these are:

  • Russian postmen - their beak is sharp, and the shape of the head is elegant. The structure of the wings is also different, they are much stronger than ordinary pigeons, have bends at the end, and are pressed close to the body. The legs of the birds are elongated and there are no feathers at all. The color of the eyes of this breed is orange-red, with white rings. For the most part, Russian postmen are white, however, there are also variants with variegated plumage.

  • German carrier pigeons - distinguished by the fact that Dutch and English carrier birds were used for their breeding. These manipulations were carried out in order to bring out such a breed that would have a high flight speed, would have a beautiful appearance and quickly mature and grow. As a result of breeding work, not a large pigeon was obtained, in which the beak has a shortened shape, and the neck is elongated. The tail of these birds is also shortened, but the legs are elongated. The eyes of German pigeons are large. The color of plumage is the most diverse: white, bluish, brown, reddish, yellowish.

  • English pigeons - these birds have the most extensive pedigree, it begins back in Egypt and the countries of the East. These birds were introduced to Europe in the fourteenth century, after which their appearance and characteristics improved to a modern look. These pigeons have very good flight characteristics, in addition, they are beautiful in appearance. The head of English pigeons is not large, the plumage is rigid, the body is large. This species is endowed with large eyes that have eyelids. The structure of the pigeon's beak is straight and thick, it is elongated, and there are growths on it that look like warts. The plumage of this breed can be: gray, motley, white, black, chestnut, yellow.

  • Belgian postmen - this breed can also be considered old. Noticeable improvements were made in the nineteenth century by mixing this breed with Turbite and Homer pigeons. The body shape of this dove is round. The head is also rounded in appearance. A distinctive feature of these pigeons is the chest, which is well formed. The neck is not large, the length of the legs is small. The eyes of Belgian pigeons are dark, and the eyelids are pale. The tail is narrow in structure, the wings have a shortened structure of feathers, which are tightly pressed to the back. The color variations of these pigeons are the most diverse, these are: red, gray, yellow, gray, black, brown.
  • Dragons - these birds were among the first to be used as mail birds, because they have good flight characteristics and are very easy to navigate in space. The body of these pigeons has a dense build, the head is large and expands towards the neck. The eyes of these pigeons are large, the iris is red-yellow. The structure of the beak is tightly closed, long. The neck is short, the chest has a rounded structure and is slightly raised. The dragon's wings are very strong, their ends touch the tail of the dove, which is lowered. This breed is characterized by increased activity and moderate exactingness to the conditions of detention and feeding.

  • Czech pigeons - these birds are distinguished by their ability to easily train, which is why they are often used in various exhibitions and competitions. The neck structure of these pigeons is elongated; there is a growth on the beak that has a soft structure. A distinctive feature of this breed of pigeons are unusually large eyes, which makes these birds partly decorative. The tail has a short length, physique is correct, plumage is smooth. It is this breed of pigeons that is still used in the form of mail birds for short distances.

All types of pigeons can be found in a variety of video reports that are kindly provided by poultry farmers on a wide variety of sites.

Training pigeons

How does the pigeon train to fly long distances, deliver mail and return home?

Raise a bird from a very young age, as soon as the pigeon grows to six weeks of age and is completely covered. With feathers, the first thing pigeons are taught is to fly around the dovecote. If the bird has been in the new house for more than three days, you can conduct classes with it. This stage of training lasts about six weeks, after which a new, more difficult period in training begins. Pigeons begin to be taken away from home and their task is to return to where they came from. The distance increases over time, and the bird gets used to quickly navigate and quickly find your home.

The first year of study has its limits in the range of excommunication of the pigeon from the house, which is about three hundred kilometers. The route distance is not recommended to be reduced, because it negatively affects birds. If the pigeon’s route is about a hundred kilometers, then he needs to be given about a day to rest. In that case, if the duration and range of flight are large, then the pigeon needs peace for three to four days. It is important to record all actions carried out with pigeons, all information should be recorded in detail.

The most comfortable time for training pigeons is considered the second half of April, and it is held until October. In the first flights it is important to choose good weather, so that there is good clear weather, moderate wind. In such circumstances, the bird will be easier to navigate and find a home. As soon as the pigeon begins to cope well with the task, you can choose the weather, less favorable for the flight and look at the result. If the bird coped well, then the training process is very successful. If the first attempts were unsuccessful, then you should wait a bit with crashes in bad weather.

When the pigeons will be well trained in the most basic task, they can come up with a variety of exercises that will develop not only the instinct of finding a home, but also the thinking of birds. Trained birds can gradually become lazy and apathetic if they do not come up with anything new and unusual, and this is fraught with gaining excess weight and the loss of previously acquired skills. You can release pigeons on the full route, about once a month, and do it individually for each, releasing one after the other, I regulate the time. Thus, it will be possible to see how each of the pigeons cope with the task.

An important point in training a carrier pigeon is the mating of birds. Before doing serious training, you need to take care of this aspect, otherwise the bird can find a partner outside the house, and can simply fly out of it. In the dovecote, females from males are seated separately.

In order to release a bird on the course, it is important to catch it. If you do this procedure yourself in the daylight, the pigeon may not like the situation and he will not return home. In order to avoid this, it is important to catch birds in nets, which also need to be trained. As for the night time, the pigeons behave calmly at this time, if they are picked up by hands.

So that the birds do not lose their stamina, they need to be kept in baskets as little as possible, so they need to be transported quickly. It is necessary that with the birds on the way there was that person who they trust.

It is important to release carrier pigeons on the road in the morning, because departure after twelve days can have sad consequences for the bird's health.

All the details of the training, reports of poultry farmers can be viewed on specialized videos that will help to compose a much more complete picture and understand what training pigeons are, who should do it and how.

Previously, when digital technology did not exist, people transmitted their messages by carrier pigeons. Birds were trained, trained. Pigeons are very capable birds, so they can be quickly trained. Further more in detail about these "postmen".

Historical data on carrier pigeons

For the first time, birds were mentioned in 45 BC. Then they were used to deliver correspondence from the besieged city of Modena. Already in the 12th century, pigeon mail became more popular in Egypt.

Residents of England, France and Belgium were able to make a great contribution to improving the postal characteristics. The beginning was laid by Antwerp and Lutih pigeons. So the subsequent breeds of pigeons appeared.

The first European carrier pigeon competition was held at the beginning of the 19th century. In Russia, pigeon sport was formed at the end of the 19th century, but did not become popular. The birds were especially in demand during the Great Patriotic War. Then for the pigeons came a time of silence.

Only in the 70s of the 20th century the population of postman doves began to increase. There were those who believed in the future of these birds. They began to conduct breeding work on the basis of old and foreign breeds. And they did it - birds became popular all over the world.

To develop endurance in birds, competitions are required between them. Such events are complicated by flying over inaccessible places or releasing birds in bad weather.

There are cases when pigeons-postmen traveled more than 1000 kilometers, while their speed reached about 100 kilometers per hour. This sport in 1950-1960 allowed to breed a new breed of Russian sports pigeon - white Ostankinsky.

Breeds of carrier pigeons

Today, there are several varieties of carrier pigeons that differ in external characteristics, speed, and other indicators.


Russian pigeons have an elegant head shape and a pointed beak. They predominate with wings, which have bent tips, which is why they are tightly pressed against the body. A distinctive feature is well-developed muscles.

The birds have long legs, no plumage. The iris is red-orange with light rims. Usually, Russian carrier pigeons have white plumage, but sometimes there are specimens with a motley color.


Breeders for breeding used pigeons of the English and Dutch breeds. The main goal was the creation of a new breed, which will dominate with high speed, attractive exterior, rapid growth. As a result, it was possible to get a feathery small size.

The bird has a shortened strong beak and a long neck. The tail of the "German" is also a shortened type. The bird does not have characteristic plumage, it can be the most diverse.


The ancestors of the English carrier pigeons were Careers, which were used in the eastern countries and Egypt. In the 14th century, birds were introduced to Europe, where breeders were able to improve not only excellent flight performance, but also attractive external characteristics.

Modern Careers have a small head in relation to a large body. The bird has a thick, straight, long beak with growths that look like warts. A distinctive feature - large brown eyes, barely visible eyelids. There are English pigeons with white, black, gray, motley, chestnut, yellow hard plumage.


Belgian carrier pigeons are the standard of modern sporting breeds. The bird was bred a long time ago, but they were engaged in its improvement in the century before last. This species has rounded body shapes, the breast is well developed - it is wide and muscular.

Birds are characterized by an elongated neck, short legs, and a rounded head. The animal has brown eyes with light eyelids. A distinctive feature is the shortened plumage on the tail and wings, tightly pressed to the body. The color of pigeons is the most diverse.


Doves Dragons are considered one of the oldest breeds. A distinctive feature of birds is not only excellent speed, but also spatial orientation. Animals have a small and dense body. On the short neck is a large head, widened at the base. On the muzzle are large red-orange eyes and an elongated, closed, with outgrowths at the base of the beak.

The Dragon has a rounded, slightly raised breast, long wings reaching with tips to the tail. There are white, black Dragons. There are gray and motley birds. This breed is unpretentious in maintenance, retaining activity at any age.


Czech carrier pigeons are sporting birds characterized by physical strength and good health. They are valued for their loyalty to their owner, the possibility of domestication and mental abilities - they are easy to train. That is, it is very simple to work with them.

The breed is considered popular especially when used in competitions. Pigeons are capable of showing good flying qualities at short distances.

Chekhov has a smooth, dense plumage of a light shade. The case is well folded, set horizontally. Czech pigeons have a small head, flattened on both sides, the forehead is wide. The head is located on an elongated neck extended at the shoulders. The beak is small, narrow, sharp. The birds have a narrow tail, which is almost completely covered by strong, long wings.

The principle of "work" pigeon mail and their orientation in space

Due to the fact that the pigeon returns home as soon as possible, the pigeon mail works flawlessly. This is the essence of the "work" of birds. Pigeons have the ability to navigate perfectly in space without making mistakes. They can navigate in a strange place and find their way home.

Not so long ago, scientists could not understand how the orientation mechanism in space of pigeons works. But recently, they were able to find out this moment. It’s just that the bird has a special protein called cryptochrome in its eyes, which under the influence of a magnetic field passes from one reversible state to another. So the bird’s brain captures such changes in the protein that happened in just one cell of the eye and adjusts the direction of flight. Most likely, the same process contributes to a clear orientation at long distances to other animals, such as turtles, butterflies, fish.

Carrier pigeons need good maintenance. They need cleanliness, warmth and a room from which they can constantly fly out. Aviary must meet certain conditions:

  • LocationMost experienced breeders recommend building a dovecote, preferably in the attic. If the plans are to build a separate dovecote, then it is better to place it away from cesspools, farms, power lines. The building is being built on the south side.
  • Dimensions  2 pigeons have a minimum of 0.5 square meters of area. The height of the room should be no more than 2 meters. If there are a lot of birds, then it is required to divide the dovecote into sections, placing 15 pairs of birds in each.
  • Ventilation and lighting.  The installation of double doors will provide better ventilation, when there is both a grill and a main door. It is important that there is a hood in the room on the ceiling. Daylight hours for pigeons should be at least 12 hours. If necessary, use additional artificial lighting - this applies to the winter period.
  • Heating.  Usually there is no need to heat an aviary. But the temperature in the house in the winter should not be lower than 5-10 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to insulate the dovecote, lay litter from hay, small branches, sawdust, straw, feathers on the floor and in the nests. A layer of tobacco leaf or wood ash laid under the litter will help prevent infectious diseases.

But overheating is also dangerous for birds, because in the summer period in the house there should be no more than 20 degrees of heat.

  • Feeding troughs and drinking bowls.It is more convenient for birds to eat from wooden feeders made in the form of boxes. They are automatic. The size of the feeders should be based on the fact that 1 cm of pigeon has 7 cm of space. Animals need to ensure constant access to clean water.
  • Perches and nests.  It is required to install poles on the wall in a horizontal position, at a distance of 80 cm from the floor and ceiling. The dimensions of the nest are usually such - 80x40x30 cm.

Be sure to install the “acceptance point” in the dovecote - a product that resembles a cage. It is used during training and competitions to inspect pigeons.

How to feed such birds?

Due to the fact that carrier pigeons are forced to fly very long distances and constantly train, they need special nutrition. About 400 grams of feed per week is spent on one individual. Abundant nutrition contributes to several times the weight of the bird. The mass of one pigeon can reach up to 800 grams.

Sports pigeons are fed three times a day, observing the diet. Serving size should always be the same, approximately 20 grams at a time. Pigeons are fed in the morning, at lunch and in the evening after sunset, but before dark.

The nutritional value of food should always be the same. The season does not affect this in any way - in winter and summer, pigeons need food to gain weight and strength. It is best to feed the birds with lentils, peas and vetch. Occasionally, sand, calcium and lime must be added to the diet of birds. There will be no excess salt added to the feed.

To diversify the diet, it is allowed to feed the birds with the following ingredients:

  • bran;
  • flax;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • rapeseed.

Additionally, drinking bowls with clean drinking water should be in the room, which are changed every day.


In the cultivation of carrier pigeons, an important role is played by training. Without it, they will not be able to get into sports competitions, which will lead not only to lower costs in the market, but also meaningless breeding that does not give benefits.

Training pigeons begin when the birds reach the age of one and a half months. For starters, they are only allowed to circle over the dovecote. After learning this lesson, after 6 weeks they begin to be taken away not far from home. It is also permissible to start training the birds that have lived in the new house for at least three days.

First, the birds are trained in warm, sunny weather. It is best to start training from the second half of April until mid-October. To begin with, pigeons are taken to a distance of 20-30 kilometers from the house, then increased. It is advisable to release birds early in the morning, but no later than noon. In the first year, pigeons must learn to overcome distances of up to 320 kilometers.

Before transporting pigeons, they must be tamed well so that they independently go into their hands and are not afraid of moving into cages. Birds are particularly malleable at night, and for this reason it is recommended that they be taken from the house before dawn. Future postmen are transported quickly - this minimizes the time spent in the cell. Birds are released in the open, as pigeons can lose their orientation in a valley or forest at the beginning of training.

After a couple of years, they receive fully trained carrier pigeons. During this period, they manage to learn to develop their speed to the maximum, find the way home from a distance of about 1 thousand kilometers. 3-4 years is the age when birds are allowed to compete. During his life, one carrier pigeon flies hundreds of thousands of kilometers, overcoming complex obstacles in its path.

Breeding and rearing

In the dovecot, chicks are populated with an age of 1-1.5 months. At this age, youngsters show the ability to understand for themselves where the house is, that is, they quickly become attached to the place where they live. The flock should be equally equally females and males. Sexual maturity in birds occurs at 5 months. It is advisable to choose pairs that are fully consistent with breed standards. Pairs of pigeons settle in a spacious closed box for a couple of days. It will be possible to determine that the pair has developed by the fact that after leaving the box, the birds stick together.

The female begins to lay eggs 2 weeks after mating. Usually 1-3 eggs are obtained in one clutch. Both parents take turns hatching eggs. At this stage, it will be necessary to determine the fertilized eggs: first, all eggs have a translucent shell, but over time it becomes white and milk and darkens over time. Eggs that are not fertilized remain translucent, and their surface becomes rough.

Chicks are born on 16-19 days after masonry. Kids do not see anything, their bodies are covered with liquid fluff. Parents feed them with milk formed in goiter for several weeks. Next, the chicks are fed porridge from the secret and semi-digested grains.

When the birds turn 1 month old, they are fed with swollen grains. At the age of 1.5 months, young animals begin to eat adult food. It is advisable that the couple feed one chick. To do this, it is permissible to throw the remaining chicks to a pair that does not have their own chicks.

Advantages and disadvantages of carrier pigeons

Pochtari have positive and negative qualities. You need to know them before you start breeding carrier pigeons:

  • It is unacceptable to breed birds in the mountains due to the fact that the terrain is able to lead them astray. This can lead to the fact that the bird simply gets lost in the mountains, cannot return home - the course is lost.
  • Feathered birds can go astray, get lost, or return home if it rains heavily or a gusty wind interferes with moving toward the goal.
  • In winter, sports pigeons weaken, losing their speed. Only in the warmer months can they recover quickly and complete tasks.

Modern mail

Today, there are many modern means of communication. People are used to talking on the phone, chatting online, sending packages via airmail. Probably, pigeon mail for people accustomed to such technologies is something from the world of fiction.

But some do not want to part with carrier pigeons, considering this type of mail - a tradition that has existed since ancient times. One of these traditions has existed since ancient times. The ancient Greeks sent carrier pigeons to large cities - this was a notice that the Olympians had won. In 1996, Slovakia sent out "postmen" in honor of the Olympics, which took place in Atlanta. Birds were equipped with commemorative stamps.

In New Zealand, it is customary to arrange pigeon flights on the same route each year - between Auckland and the islands of the Barrier Reef. Pigeon Olympiads are also often held, where they then choose the best of the best, focusing on the appearance of the bird, as well as the ability to navigate in the area, develop their speed to the maximum rate.

Despite the fact that today many have not heard of carrier pigeons, those who grew up at a time when these birds were the messengers of important news pass on their knowledge to children. Thus, ancient traditions are observed. Breeding pigeons can become a profitable business, because often trained birds are used at weddings, anniversaries, and other events.

In the distant past, pigeons were used to send letters and messages. So the concept of carrier pigeons. In fact, such a breed does not exist in nature. The talent to deliver mail was instilled in them by people.

Dove of any breed can carry mail

Feeling at home

Technological progress relieved the birds of postal duties, but provided the opportunity to take part in competitions. Now the phrase "carrier pigeons" has been replaced by the modern expression "sports pigeons." Their ancestors were birds from Belgium.

It is known that some animals return home from afar. Pigeons have a sense of home, and they easily find their way back. How birds can navigate in space, there are many theories. But the exact answer to this question has not yet been found.

The ability to navigate the terrain gives them a chance to return from a distance of more than 500 km, without slowing down, about 80 km per hour. For example, having taken a dove 800 km from its cub, and then, letting it go, they noted that it flew this distance in 12 hours.

A pigeon can return home from a distance of 500 km


For the cultivation of sports pigeons, dovecotes are used in which 35-day-old chicks are settled.  Shorter than this period is not recommended, as they still can not eat on their own. If you take the pigeons older, it can end with the irrevocable departure of birds from the dovecote and their loss. Feathered residents are stigmatized, numbered and registered. There are special books where all the data about them is written:

  • the time of birth of the pigeon and its breed;
  • occupied slot number;
  • gender;
  • direction of training;
  • the number of the pigeon that is placed above the stigma or on the side. The mark is applied to the first 3 feathers from the right wing.

Pigeons reach full development by the age of 5 months and then mate.

Both parents hatch the chicks. The color of the eggs is white or cream. Pigeons are born blind and very helpless. Pigeons show signs of concern for babies. This is manifested in the following:

  • first, the babies are fed a yellowish-white liquid. It resembles the milk that is excreted in both birds;
  • at the next stage, the so-called porridge is added to the feed. It consists of grains. Only later is the transition to feeding swollen seeds made;
  • such a fact is interesting. If a female is lost, then the male is able to feed them independently. But with the loss of his father, pigeons run the risk of starvation.

Pigeons are twin birds. They breed chicks three times during the year. It may happen that this happens in the winter.

Pigeons live in pairs and breed three times a year

Postal breeds include those pigeons whose relatives are 3 or 4 years old. By the age of 8, the fruitfulness of birds decreases, and completely ceases by the age of 12. The life span of pigeons is about 25 years.


Feed the birds, given the following:

  • for 8 days 410 g of feed is given, a large amount of food is harmful;
  • regular diet should be observed;
  • pigeons are intensely fed during molting and in severe frosts.

The main food is yellow peas. It's good to use a wiki. If you give greenish peas, then pigeons appear diarrhea. This leads to exhaustion of birds, they become incapable of long-distance flights. Birds are well developed by eating animal foods.

The beauty of the plumage depends on the sufficient presence of oily substances in the feed.

Mail birds love water. In summer, it should be warm enough. Cold water can cause colds for birds coming from distant flights. They like to swim in the water in summer, and in winter only during warm days.

Pigeons need free access to water


After a 3-day stay in a dovecote, birds are taught to fly around it. Their age should be at least 6 weeks and have full plumage. After 6 weeks of flying, the pigeons begin to train. They are first taken away a short distance and trained to return back to the nest. Gradually, the duration of flights increases.

During the first year of training, you must not exceed a distance of more than 320 km. The best time for training is from April to the end of October.

The main quality value of sporting birds is the speed at which they return to the nursery. If pigeons have high rates, then they are left to obtain maximum offspring. Such birds are not allowed to fly. The fecundity of pigeons depends on genetics and environmental influences. An important role is played by the care and maintenance of birds.

After 6 weeks of flying around the dovecote, birds can be taken away from home


There are many breeds of carrier pigeons, both Russian and foreign. The most famous are the following:

  • English white quarry, this breed has a strong physique. Its beak has a growth in the form of a head of cauliflower.
  • Brussels or Flanders, the largest species among pigeons in Belgium. Beak and neck are quite thick and short in length. The wings of this breed of pigeons are strongly pressed to the body.
  • Luttiha breed of pigeons is small in size.
  • The Antwerp breed is the owner of a long and narrow beak, along with a beautiful swan neck.
  • The breed of Russian sports pigeons has an elegant head. Their beak is sharp. Still strong wings, slightly bent at the ends. For Russian postal, monochrome color and motley are characteristic. White Ostankino pigeons are an offshoot of the Russians, distinguished by black eyes.
  • Czech pigeons belong to a group of birds that are easy to train for competition. This breed is not very common, but is very popular among lovers. The devotion of the birds to their master was first discovered by the Czechs, which is why they are called so. They are distinguished by a long neck and large eyes. Czechs have a small tail, which is almost no different from the body. Strong immunity and disease resistance are inherent in Czech pigeons, which is appreciated by pigeon breeders.

Coloring of sports pigeons happens: white, black, lilac or red, but most often, like a wild pigeon, gray. Postal birds have a direct setting of the body, developed chest and excellent vision. The plumage is thick and shiny, evenly adjacent to the body. Their wax is white, which corresponds to age. The color of the eyelids of pigeons is gray or white, they fit tightly to the eyes.

Czech pigeons have good health

White pigeons

There is an opinion that white pigeons are postal birds. Confirmation are numerous images. A white dove flies on them with a letter or a flower in its beak. According to well-known pigeon breeders, the breed of carrier pigeons cannot have such a color, and if it is, then this is more likely an exception. Most of them have dark plumage. The original purpose of the breeding was to obtain a meat breed. Use them as postal, learned much later. Birds of such breeds are of unusual beauty. Among other birds, they stand out with a massive beak, with which birds hold food.

The clerks have an ocular ring that gives them an angry look. These pigeons have a heavy body covered with smooth and clean plumage. White postal birds, now called sporting birds, have the same description.

Now such pigeons do not deliver letters, they are used in numerous sports competitions. White pigeons are very popular for advertising, weddings and graduation parties. White doves look beautiful, soaring and joyfully soaring in the clouds.

A characteristic feature of the clerk is the ocular ring


Among the shortcomings, the following are noted:

  • In winter, carrier pigeons cannot fly as fast as in summer. A speed reduction of 50% occurs.
  • In rainy windy weather, they may lose their landmark and not find a way back.
  • The relief terrain causes the loss of carrier pigeons, as the mountains knock the birds off course and they do not know where to fly.

Organization of sports competitions

To develop endurance, birds organize competitions that take place in difficult climatic conditions. Their flights pass over forest areas where predators impede the flight of pigeons. This helps identify strong birds that become leaders in their group. Promising are white sports birds, sports and English tipplers.

Surprising flight speed of carrier pigeons. There are known cases of bird flights from Belgium to Rome, the distance between which is about 1100 km. The speed developed by birds, sometimes reached 100 km per hour. Only the mountain killer whale develops great speed, it is about 358 km per hour. The hawk has a speed of 230 km per hour.

Pigeon speeds up to 100 km per hour

The development of pigeon sport was facilitated by the creation in Belgium of the first sports society. The beginning of the twentieth century was characterized by the presence of hundreds of such organizations. In Paris alone, there were about 18 thousand carrier pigeons, among which 8 thousand were trained. Not only the French were fond of breeding breeds of sports pigeons, but already in 1888 the Germans, Czechs and Russians had the same society.

This is not to say that carrier pigeons are not used in peacetime. Facts confirm this. When the Olympic Games were held in Tokyo, only editorial pigeons were delivered with the help of carrier pigeons.

In England, pigeons deliver the blood of patients for analysis.

Even monuments are erected to these wonderful birds. In London, a monument was built to a white dove, which saved all the crew members of a sinking submarine during the war. And in Switzerland, a monument to the pigeon-savior of people who fell in a snowfall.