Business without big investments - TOP-8 profitable ideas!

In our previous articles, we already wrote about what most of the funds of businessmen spend on when starting a business. Usually this is a building, hiring staff and purchasing goods. We continue to publish ideas from the "Business without big investments" section, and this time we present you with 8 more interesting ideas. We also recommend reading this article:

Business without big investments - making soap at home

Beautiful soap is a great souvenir or gift for the holiday. Such soaps are most often bought by girls, so when making a product and attracting customers, focus on them. You don't need much to make soap at home - the necessary ingredients, store-bought soap, molds and beautiful packaging.

Production of exclusive postcards

Purchased postcards have already become commonplace. Try to earn your profit on it. Create exclusive postcards to order or for sale.

Everything you need for this can be purchased at any stationery and sewing store: cardboard, ribbons, rhinestones, beads, markers, paints. Use the printer to make postcards, musical pieces and more. The more unusual and brighter your ideas are, the more demand for them will be.

Butterflies in your city

Butterflies have always been the epitome of beauty and magic, so using them to organize a beautiful ceremony or surprise can be a source of income for you. Find suppliers of the most unusual butterflies, calculate the price and start looking for customers. Be sure to use photos and videos to post ads.

Internet newspaper

You don't need much to run your online newspaper. All you need is a website and a constant stream of articles. You can find out how to create your own website without investing a single ruble in it on the pages of our portal.

Speaking of articles, here you have to start with hard work. Publish articles independently and systematically. The more interesting and interesting, the better.


Teaching has become one of the most popular and profitable businesses without investment in recent years. Ask yourself this question: what are you good at? Perhaps cooking, sewing, knitting, drawing, speaking a foreign language, or something else. There are hundreds of people around you who do not know how. And ten of them definitely want to learn it.

Teach people for money what you can do yourself. The main thing in this matter is to learn how to present the material in an accessible, step-by-step and effective way.

Equipment repair

You can’t get any equipment from home anymore - without it, a person is like without hands. Everyone is used to mobile phones, laptops, washing machines and everything else. And if this technique breaks down, the habitual daily routine of a person also breaks down. Therefore, equipment repair services are in demand always and everywhere, and with each new stage of technological progress, the demand for this service is only growing.

Learning to repair appliances is not so difficult. Video portals and websites are full of comprehensive information that will help you take the first steps in your business.

Cargo transportation

Not all trucking companies look like you imagine them to be: large garages, a dozen cars owned and their own staff. Many of these firms are ordinary people who sit at home and take orders.

Taxi service

Taxis can be opened on the same principle as cargo transportation. Place ads in your city about the recruitment of taxi drivers with your car. If there is an opportunity to purchase equipment: walkie-talkies, programs for taking orders, checkers, that's great. If not, then for the first time you can get by with one mobile phone.

Mini call center

Become an outsourcing operator for any company in need. To do this, you only need a mobile phone and nothing else. To learn conversational etiquette, you can work for a month or two in a call center. As soon as you understand that you feel confident on the line, call any company and offer your services to it.

The essence of your work is as follows: you sit at home and receive or make calls to your customer's clients within the agreed period.


As you can see, without having a lot of money to build your own business, you can still do what you love and make a profit from it. If you are interested in the idea of ​​your own business without big investments, learn more about it from our other articles.

How to prepare a business plan for a small cinema on your own? Business on the creation and development of mobile applications (without technical knowledge)